• BOUKELIF Aoued a publié une note il y a 8 ans et 1 mois


    Bonjour !
    J’ai le plaisir de vous envoyer cet Appel à Communication ( fichier joint ) de la session d’une conférence que je préside. La session s’intitule :
    « Facing and shaping the Future of emerging and Web Technologies: Most Recent Trends ,Perspectives, Outcomes, and Challenges ». Faites moi l’honneur d’assister.
    Merci de dispatcher vers vos listes et d’en faire une large diffusion de cet appel à communication auprès de vos contacts. http://www.iccmit.net/SPECIAL%20SESSION%20ALGERIA_%20ICCMIT%20%202017.pdf

    1- ALL ACCEPTED AND REGISTERED papers in ICCMIT’17 conference « www.iccmit.net » will be published by IEEE and appear on IEEEXplore which is SCOPUS index OR published in IJCA or IJACI journals which are also SCOPUS index.
    All accepted papers will be published either in the International Journal of Computers and Applications,
    Or in International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI), which are indexed in Scopus (Elsevier) Or by IEEE, which is indexed IEEE Xplore.

    Best Papers
    Best articles will be invited for publication in IGI Book and ACM journal
    a- 10% of the best articles will be invited for publication in Journal of Information Retrieval Research « ACM Index ».
    b- Another 10% of the best articles will be invited for publication as book chapters in IGI book.


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