Étiqueter Archive pour : technology

RAIFFET 2008 La formation professionnelle des enseignants de technologie et l’exercice simultané du métier Marjolaine Chatoney

RAIFFET 2008 La formation professionnelle des enseignants de technologie et l’exercice simultané du métier Marjolaine Chatoney

Summary The route of training of the professors in France is defined by a training program, which organizes periods in institute and others in schools. In technology, three kinds of training courses will contribute to the formation: a training course in college; an in-company training (in France or abroad)...

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2008 La femme étudiante en technologie : analyse et retour d’expérience en Algérie Nawal Khelalfa, Amina Benkhedda & Tawfik Benabdellah

2008 La femme étudiante en technologie : analyse et retour d’expérience en Algérie Nawal Khelalfa, Amina Benkhedda & Tawfik Benabdellah

Cette communication a été nominée pour le Grand Prix du RAIFFET 2008 Summary In the acquisition of technology and science, the equal opportunity between the two sexes and for the various social groups, is an important aspect to take into account at this beginning of century. The situation of...

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2008 Portrait robot de la formatrice en mécanique : égalité des chances ou déviation ? Samira Belhardj & Tawfik Benabdallah

2008 Portrait robot de la formatrice en mécanique : égalité des chances ou déviation ? Samira Belhardj & Tawfik Benabdallah

Summary With beyond the aspect of social exclusion of the female component of educational training, for all the known reasons and those supposed, is added an aspect that we would like to understand during this work. Indeed, it is undeniable, that the majority of the technological formations, all over...

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