Étiqueter Archive pour : Disability

2011 Égalité des chances à l’école et politiques éducatives d’inclusion en Afrique Sub-saharienne : de la rhétorique à la réalité pratique Ernestine Antoinette Ngo Melha

2011 Égalité des chances à l’école et politiques éducatives d’inclusion en Afrique Sub-saharienne : de la rhétorique à la réalité pratique  Ernestine Antoinette Ngo Melha

Abstract This paper provides an analysis of the relationship between educational policies of inclusion in Sub Saharan Africa and school achievement in relation to learners with disabilities. The principle of equal opportunities at school requires the definition of a common framework and the establishment of systems to provide different...

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Inclusive education for pupils with disabilities in France and Cameroon : an analysis of national policy and teachers’ viewpoint

Inclusive education for pupils with disabilities in France and Cameroon : an analysis of national policy and teachers' viewpoint

The discourse of experts and international organizations, as well as the initiatives of policies and movements in favor of emancipation and the place of people with disabilities, are oriented towards the construction of a school for all (Ainscow, 1991; Sen, 1992; UNESCO, 1990; UNESCO, 1994; UNESCO, 2000; UN, 2000;...

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