Summary The communication presents a part of the training given to the department of physical sciences of the faculty of science and technologies of education and formation in Dakar. The teaching ideologies, the entry by the contents, the objectives pedagogy (PPO), and the pedagogy by integration are studied within...
Archive pour la catégorie : Colloque 2008
RAIFFET 2008 Présentation de la plateforme UNIV-RCT Malika Kandsi, A. Belaidi & A. Elimam
Summary Device UNIV-CT (ACOLAD) is designed for the remote teaching and formation. A European consortium (ULP of Strasbourg, Mons-Hainault of Belgium and the University of Geneva) works in collaboration to develop the use of communication and information technologies, for the teaching and the teacher training in the countries of...
RAIFFET 2008 L’enseignement des sciences physiques en formation professionnelle, dans leur fonction de discipline de service par rapport à la technologie Béatrice Jouin,
Summary How to think the teaching of physical sciences in vocational school? In this school context, where the pupils follow a technological formation leading them to a professional qualification, the function of physical sciences must be clarified, in particular in its relationships to the technology of speciality, before making...
RAIFFET 2008 Des reformes pour réhabiliter les systèmes éducatifs, le cas de la Tunisie Ameur Ismail
Je voudrais être sûr que notre éducation technique et pratique formera des créateurs et non des créatures (1967) Mwalim Julius Nyrere, président de la république de Tanzanie Introduction : L’institution éducative depuis toujours tendait à se substituer aux parents dans leur rôle de gardiens de l’ordre établi. Mais l’illusion...
RAIFFET 2008 L’approche de l’enseignement-apprentissage par les enseignants de technologie des disciplines technologiques aux élèves de terminale de la section technique en Tunisie Ali Hemdi & Jacques Ginestié
Abstract The plan of the teaching of the technological disciplines in Tunisia, shows the interest carried to the development of the technological culture as of more the young age of the pupils and in particular, on the level of the high school, within the framework of the specific courses(mechanical...
RAIFFET 2008 Le rôle des projets de coopération dans la lutte contre la fracture numérique : exemple du projet de coopération suisse CoseLearn Ghassen Hanchi
Summary The device of formation and teaching Coselearn has gathered, for three years, expert students of various African universities, within the framework of a formation looking after e- learning. The main aim of the device is to make them live an experiment of training with Communication and Information Technologies...
RAIFFET 2008 L’alternance dans la formation professionnelle : compte rendu des expériences ivoiriennes Maninga Gbato & Yao Dibi
Summary It’s reproached to the professional training system to produce graduates little or not qualified, graduates unsuited to the labour market. To answer criticisms of the systems of professional training, the introduction of alternation is recommended. But, behind the word alternation, each one puts the meaning which is appropriate...
RAIFFET 2008 La formation professionnelle des enseignants de technologie et l’exercice simultané du métier Marjolaine Chatoney
Summary The route of training of the professors in France is defined by a training program, which organizes periods in institute and others in schools. In technology, three kinds of training courses will contribute to the formation: a training course in college; an in-company training (in France or abroad)...
RAIFFET 2008 Concevoir pour apprendre et/ou transmettre Stéphane Brunel, M. Zolghadri, Ph. Girard
Summary In this account, we propose some prospective ideas allowing a company to take a strategic position on the specific markets of education, by using knowledge like strategic means. These ideas are based on the creation of new knowledge and their conservation, as well for the future customers as...
RAIFFET 2008 L’ingénierie pédagogique et les langages de modélisation au service de la formation universitaire. Lamia Bougrioau & Hassen Ben Messaoud
Abstract The use of information technology and the Internet for learning purposes has developed a course on the sequence of learning in the form of pedagogical scenarios. The integration of these technologies in the field of distance learning has initiated new ways of teaching and learning. ITCs have become...
RAIFFET 2008 Ouverture du certificat informatique et Internet pour un public non étudiant : l’expérience tunisienne Adel Ben Taziri & Bechir Allouche
Summary The computer and internet certificate (C2i) is a professional training based on a reference frame of the ministry for French higher education. The project of contribution between the Virtual University of Tunis (UVT) and the University of Picardy (UPJV) allowed the installation of this certificate in Tunisia. The...
RAIFFET 2008 Stratégie de développement d’une licence appliquée en production mécanique Ahmed Ben Cheikh Larbi, S. Chatti et M. Cornel
Summary The analysis of the evolution of the rate of employment of the graduates of Tunisian higher education reveals difficulties of employability. These difficulties are attached to the globalization of the companies and the growth of the number of students. The Tunisian State incites the graduates to the creation...
raiffet 2008 Les établissements de formation de formateurs de l’espace CEMAC et le système LMD : quelle approche ? Jean Sylvain Bekale Nze & Bernard Mabiala
Summary To be in conformity with the western educational systems, Africa decided to adopt the system licence, master & doctorate (LMD). Its installation thus becomes a requirement of rationality of the African educational systems. In spite of the creation of a legal environment by the CEMAC, incompatibilities are perceptible...
RAIFFET 2008 Vers une analyse des pratiques d’enseignement des normes techniques : cas des tolérances dimensionnelles et des ajustements Mohamed Ali Bassoumi & Virginie Albe
Cette communication a obtenu le Grand Prix du RAIFFET 2008 Summary Because of the accelerated evolving rate of technological knowledge, multidimensional character of this knowledge and diversity of their places of development, the question of the reference takes a quite particular importance. Our research task studies how the...
RAIFFET 2008 Quelques réflexions en didactique : des résultats de recherche à des perspectives de formation, applications au champ conceptuel du rayonnement Najoua Zaiane
Summary In this work, we start by briefly recalling the contribution of didactic of sciences for the training of the teachers, and that while referring to reflections of didacticians in this field. These two practices are dependant one on the other. It is a question of seeing how to...
RAIFFET 2008 Élaboration de curricula selon l’approche par compétence avec l’objectif de contribuer à un développement durable Mourad Taha Janan, A. Bah, S. El Hani et A. Chacrone
Summary This work deals with a possible methodology, for establishing curriculums of Technical and Professional Formations, falling under durable development objectives. We begin with an analysis of the approaches followed for the development of the curricula. Then, we propose a methodological approach taking in account the requirements of a...
RAIFFET 2008 La promotion de l’entrepreneuriat en TIC comme nouvelle stratégie pour la réduction de la pauvreté à Madagascar Josvah Paul Razafimandimby
Summary Because of a university system of formation centred on wage-earning rather than on the enterprising, an always increasing mass Malagasy university graduates is each year in great difficulty of socio-professional insertion. The number of data processing specialists available to Madagascar is far from being sufficient, compared to the...
RAIFFET 2008 Insertion professionnelle en Côte d’ivoire : l’expérience de la plateforme de services Nicolas Nguessan Lavri
Summary Professional training plays a crucial role in economic development and the access to a decent and perennial employment, as well in the countries of North as in those of the South. The Ivory Coast meets two types of major difficulties: on the one hand, progress of initial professional...
RAIFFET 2008 Former des inspecteurs de spécialité, un nouveau challenge pour la faculté des sciences et technologies de l’éducation et de la formation Babacar Gueye et Saliou Kane
Summary Since the conference of Jomtien (1990), the ministry of education, within the framework of the decennial plan of education and training (PDEF), had given the priority to the access of the children to education. In teaching, quality passes initially by that of human resources and their initial and...
RAIFFET 2008 La problématique du dégoût pour le travail manuel, en Afrique en général et au Gabon en particulier, source de pauvreté : approches philosophiques Jean François Minko M’Obame
Summary Unemployment and, by rebound, poverty in Africa in general, and in Gabon in particular, are often due to the contempt of manual work, sector however provider of employment. Thus one does not want to be formed in these trades; worse, even formed, it happens sometimes that one does...
RAIFFET 2008 Les organisations curriculaires d’enseignement de la maintenance automobile, analyse du curriculum de brevet de technicien maintenance des systèmes motorisés au Gabon Samuel Mezui M’Obiang
Summary This study tries to know why the low level of the school results in Gabon, and its corollary, youth unemployment, would be or not dependant on the school factors, the organization of the educational system itself, and on the practices of its actors, in particular in the field...
RAIFFET 2008 La formation professionnelle et technique face à la réduction de la pauvreté en Afrique subsaharienne Amara Mboumba Kaba
Summary The demographic explosion of the African countries and the international crisis which strikes their economies, push the rural populations towards the urban centres. The national policies of professional and technique training of our countries must support the socio-professional insertion of this mass always growing of young people without...
RAIFFET2008 Expériences guinéennes dans le rapprochement des formations et des emplois pour des solutions éducatives et d’insertion Jean-Baptiste Mabé Tolno
Summary After the independence of Guinea, all those which left graduate the school, were ensured to have a job of public office. The 2nd Republic (1984) adopted the liberal economy, and leads the reform of national socioeconomic, especially of technical education and professional training (EFTP). The institutions of formation...
RAIFFET 2008 Favoriser l’insertion professionnelle par la prise en compte des obstacles à l’apprentissage : un exemple en lycée professionnel tertiaire Nicole Lebatteux
Summary In France, vocational training aims primarily the acquisition of competencies, lit by knowledge. Its finality is to allow the socio-professional insertion of the short-term pupils and their requalification progressively of the technical changes. Today, it is noted that the conditions of insertion of the pupils of Patent of...
RAIFFET 2008 L’enseignement et la production des compétences qualifiées du développement au Congo-Brazzaville Claude Ernest Kiamba
Summary Taking into consideration current technological change, the assigned role with teaching at the time of colonization was exactly conformed to the needs for the development of European industries. The teaching delivered within this project did not attach importance to the training of the trades. Instead of training actors...
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