Summary The demographic explosion of the African countries and the international crisis which strikes their economies, push the rural populations towards the urban centres. The national policies of professional and technique training of our countries must support the socio-professional insertion of this mass always growing of young people without...
RAIFFET2008 Expériences guinéennes dans le rapprochement des formations et des emplois pour des solutions éducatives et d’insertion Jean-Baptiste Mabé Tolno
Summary After the independence of Guinea, all those which left graduate the school, were ensured to have a job of public office. The 2nd Republic (1984) adopted the liberal economy, and leads the reform of national socioeconomic, especially of technical education and professional training (EFTP). The institutions of formation...
RAIFFET 2008 Favoriser l’insertion professionnelle par la prise en compte des obstacles à l’apprentissage : un exemple en lycée professionnel tertiaire Nicole Lebatteux
Summary In France, vocational training aims primarily the acquisition of competencies, lit by knowledge. Its finality is to allow the socio-professional insertion of the short-term pupils and their requalification progressively of the technical changes. Today, it is noted that the conditions of insertion of the pupils of Patent of...
RAIFFET 2008 L’enseignement et la production des compétences qualifiées du développement au Congo-Brazzaville Claude Ernest Kiamba
Summary Taking into consideration current technological change, the assigned role with teaching at the time of colonization was exactly conformed to the needs for the development of European industries. The teaching delivered within this project did not attach importance to the training of the trades. Instead of training actors...
RAIFFET 2008 Feux tricolores de carrefour alimentés par l’électricité photovoltaïque André Kamga
Summary In several countries, the populations, including one most of young people, still pay a too heavy tribute with the road insecurity. In all the countries, education with the environment must be an important component of the training of young people during their schooling, to acquire knowledge and methods...
RAIFFET 2008 L’insertion des jeunes par la formation professionnelle et technique dans le secteur des travaux publics Madi Yassa Goundiam
Summary The consequences of some constraints on the education systems of the Countries of the South result in an undeveloped vocational and technical training, not very relevant trainings, an insufficient attention with the conditions of success of the partnership. The CONFEMEN recommends the articulation of the offer of formation...
RAIFFET 2008 Des pratiques professionnelles de prévention des risques aux savoirs de référence : le cas des professionnels du génie climatique Hélène Cheneval-Armand & Jacques Ginestié
Summary Curricula of professional training for instruction to the health and the occupational safety (ES & ST) are they making place for the implicit knowledge with the practices implemented by the professionals? To study the question, we carried out the audio-visual, during one day, of two professionals intervening in...
RAIFFET 2008 Organisations scolaires et compétences professionnelles vers une adéquation formation-emploi : le cas du Gabon François Boukangou
Summary A long time misunderstood by employers’ associations, the national offer of technical formation has just known a decisive and full with hope turn. The reform of technical and professional education set up a Service for Relations with the Economic operators, to bring closer the two worlds, production and...
RAIFFET 2008 Mise en place participative de la relation formation-emploi et retour d’expérience sur les passages réputés difficiles Aoued Boukelif
Summary Professional training constitutes an important asset for the economic development assistance, by its impact on the effectiveness of the companies, for the fight against the inequalities, unemployment and poverty. The training professional institutes accommodate the last year secondary school students who failed the baccalaureate, and they propose the...
RAIFFET 2008 L’intégration des valeurs entrepreneuriales dans les écoles de formation technique et professionnelle des pays africains : un levier essentiel pour la stimulation des initiatives individuelles et collectives François-Xavier Assoumou
Abstract The integration of an entrepreneurial values system in the African school network would help African teachers to integrate entrepreneurial knowledge through their teaching activities. Thus, it will be easy for the students to join the labour market because they have also the skills to create their own job....
RAIFFET 2008 Les difficultés de l’enseignement et formation techniques et professionnels en République Centrafricaine Fidèle Ngouih
Summary The fight against poverty is a priority and it is the object these last years, of great meetings on the level of the States. Technique and Professional Teaching and Formation, following the example of other sectors, contribute to the reduction of poverty, because its users create small companies...
RAIFFET 2008 Promotion de l’égalité des chances : vers une recherche des solutions alternatives de lutte contre la pauvreté Ernestine A. Ngo Melha
Summary In many countries, the access for a minimum of education is not guaranteed to all. Concerning the children suffering from handicaps, basic school acquisition supposes capable structures to accommodate them, especially trained teachers and material available to the accessible format. All these preconditions are not joined together in...
RAIFFET 2008 Le renforcement de l’éducation des adultes comme solution à la réduction de la pauvreté Eloi Djiembi
Abstract Man is getting more and more concerned with the problem of poverty throughout the whole world, because it appears as a contradiction, or else as an annihilation of his efforts in the construction of a technological society compatible with the exigencies of the today world. Approaching solutions for...
RAIFFET 2008 La mise en valeur des qualifications des petits métiers en République Centrafricaine Pierre Djibao
Summary The craft industry which drains approximately 70% of the active population of the Central African Republic develops many small trades in the informal sector. It have today to be searching perfection and rationalization of the professional dexterity, which deserves to be capitalized by the valorization of its assets...
RAIFFET2008 Éducation technique, formation professionnelle et promotion sociale au Burundi Venant Nyandwi
Cette communication a été nominée pour le Grand Prix du RAIFFET 2008 Summary Burundi, small country strongly populated, mainly agricultural and little developed on the industrial sphere, knows an endemic state of poverty worsened by a conflict of more than ten years. The national plan of the Burundian...
RAIFFET 2008 Intégration de l’éducation technologique en milieu scolaire Sophie Ngaka
Summary The introduction of a technological education for all in primary education medium is a factor of development socio-technique for any country. The first obstacle met is initially to render comprehensible with the parents of pupils, especially with the parents of the girls, that this technological contribution constitutes an...
RAIFFET 2008 Relance et redynamisation de l’EFTP en Afrique Centrale
Summary The installation of an under-area partnership, concerning Technical and Professional Education and Training in Central Africa, highlights problems common to the seven countries of CEMAC. The EFTP adapts with difficulty its internal structures to the local constraints of employment, and with the evolutions and fast changes of the...
RAIFFET 2008 Nouvelles technologies et métiers féminins : essai d’analyse des effets d’une acculturation par la formation Marie Zoë Mfoumou
Summary In the beginning masculine, the trade of secretary was gradually feminized. This process, occurred in the Thirties of 20th century, contributed to transform waiting of the recruiters: the secretary must from now on have, in addition to an aptitude for the confidentiality but also, intellectual qualities, and especially,...
RAIFFET 2008 Acculturation technique et difficultés d’acquisition des habiletés professionnelles dans la formation professionnelle Ignace Koumba Pambolt
Summary The Laboratory on the Dynamic Social ones of the CENAREST studies the effects of interaction between the modifications of the technical systems on the one hand, and the transformations of the workers acting in these systems on the other hand. The industrial development of Gabon constituting a privileged...
2008 La femme étudiante en technologie : analyse et retour d’expérience en Algérie Nawal Khelalfa, Amina Benkhedda & Tawfik Benabdellah
Cette communication a été nominée pour le Grand Prix du RAIFFET 2008 Summary In the acquisition of technology and science, the equal opportunity between the two sexes and for the various social groups, is an important aspect to take into account at this beginning of century. The situation of...
2008 Les TICE dans l’enseignement supérieur, alternative pour un accès pour tous et à moindre coût Joseph Indjendje Mukeba
Summary The teaching approach by the TICE nowadays proves to be an alternative through the platforms of EAD, if one wants to reinforce and make live the networks to which one belongs. For that, the pooling of competencies, can lead to the creation of the virtual universities, the mutual...
2008 Conception collaborative d’une séquence d’enseignement utilisant la communication non violente pour un débat socio-scientifique et citoyen Marie-Josée Gombert & Virginie Albe
Summary The recent educational reforms for the teaching of sciences to the secondary stress the formation citizen of the young people. The training of the debate around scientific topics is essential, like a key device of the training of the citizen. Various educational aiming and methods of debates were...
2008 Nanotechnologies et controverses : pour une intégration dans l’enseignement technologique ? Adel Bouras
Abstract By the present time, nanotechnologies are objects of intense controversies. The integration of this theme in teaching raises many questions. From a technology education point of view, we consider that the question of the acquisitions of knowledge on socially vivid controversies can’t be conceived outside the frame of...
2008 Portrait robot de la formatrice en mécanique : égalité des chances ou déviation ? Samira Belhardj & Tawfik Benabdallah
Summary With beyond the aspect of social exclusion of the female component of educational training, for all the known reasons and those supposed, is added an aspect that we would like to understand during this work. Indeed, it is undeniable, that the majority of the technological formations, all over...
2008 Le caractère multidimensionnel du phénomène de pauvreté vu sous l’angle de l’enseignement et de la formation Mohammed Ameur, Tawfik Benabdallah & Abed Maghdir
Summary The analysis of the situation of poverty in the world made it possible to release a whole of reports and to learn the lessons for the future. This whole of reports reveals the multidimensional character of the phenomenon, the complexity and the tangle of its causes. The fight...
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- Fatou Diagne
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- Agnès KAPCHE
- Aminata KA
- André Kamga
- ATOUBA AKAME Christelle
- NAJOUA Aouatif
- Goudiaby Chérif
- BITEYE Babacar
- Baba Dièye DIAGNE
- BAYAMA Paul-Marie
- BILOA FOUDA Catherine Nicole
- MACHE Bernard Dadié
- Boubacar TRAORE
- Carelle Ariana MOUALOU NZIGOU
- Chatoney Marjolaine
- Mondin Christophe
- Colette Mvoto Meyong
- Damien BAHENDA
- Ernestine Antoinette NGO MELHA
- Famory DEMBELE
- PAUNE Félix
- Fidele NGOUIH
- KOFFI Brou Dieudonné
- Florentin Azia
- Fomekong Kenne Victoire
- Françoise Daxhelet
- Géraldine YANON
- Germaine Calixte Kenne Kuete
- HANCHI ghassen
- GINESTIÉ Jacques
- Gustave TAGNE
- Hervé Huot-Marchand
- WADE Ibrahima
- CASTERA Jérémy
- Jean-Claude BATIONO
- Jean Sylvain BEKALE NZE
- NZIGOU Jean-Joseph
- Ndibnu-Messina Julia
- Kadianda Mwanza Kadi
- Shamusideen
- LAMAGO Merlin
- Madi Yassa Goundiam
- Mandir Diakhate
- Maria Antonietta Impedovo
- Marie Zoé MFOUMOU
- Mathilde ARMAND
- Mezui M'Obiang Samuel
- Michel Towa Koh
- Mislor DEXAIL
- Mohamed Rached BOUSSEMA
- MOUDOUMA Emmanuel
- Mourad Abouelala
- Youssef Naouar
- Nawal El-kahina Khelalfa
- NDJOCK Fleur Nadine
- Nicolas N’Guessan Lavri
- nsi be rolie
- Ovono Médard-Sylvain
- GIRARD Philippe
- Philippe PADULA
- Pierre DJIBAO
- TIBIRI Simon Pierre
- René Ndedje
- Rénovate Irambona
- Rodrigue Cheumadjeu Tchouaga
- Rosalie Ada Bela
- Stéphane Brunel
- Sokhna Diouf FAYE
- TREBBI Turid
- Venant NYANDWI
- Virginie ALBE
- NDIAYE Yakhoub
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INSPÉ d'Aix-Marseille
Institut National Supérieur du Professorat et de l'Éducation
52 Avenue Escadrille Normandie Niemen,
13013 Marseille FRANCE